August Newsletter
My intention with a Newsletter is to have a channel to share different thoughts I have, ideas, useful tools, books, articles and so on that I come across.
I’m amazed how much information internet and social media produces. But I also often feel overwhelmed from the amount and the different qualities in what is posted.
And then suddenly I come across something that resonates with me, and I if it resonates with me, maybe it will to someone else!
Today I’ll have chosen to refer to someone that I came across about 10 years ago, when I had just started my own curiosity journey of figuring out “who am I” without all the brought-on conditionings and believes about myself. The American researcher, author, teacher, public speaker Brené Brown has spent years doing research about shame, vulnerability and trust, to give you a few examples. My first experience of her was in a TED talk where she spoke about vulnerability. It opened a door for me to start to explore being vulnerable without judging myself for my old belief that being vulnerable equals being weak.
By accepting that the doorway to my own personal growth lied in my courage to dare to be vulnerable was a game changer for me. Growing up I’ve learned to stand strong and go my own way. However, along the way I felt lost and lonely and I thought something was wrong with me. Connecting with others was difficult and I didn’t know what to do to fit in.
Step by step over the years that followed I have “re-discovered” who I am. And I keep finding new things to learn and to accept about myself. How I have made these discoveries and transformations are of course personal for me.
Everyone of us walks our own path and there are so many different ways of doing so. What might feel right for me might not at all feel right for you, so we need to trust and discover that little voice within that leads us right if we are willing to listen.
Following this newsletter and also my blog posts, I’m sure bits and pieces of my journey will shine through and hopefully also be meaningful for you.
Wishing You all the best while the crispy season of August starts to arrive!
460 Chemin De La Rivière, North Hatley, Quebec, Canada
Mon – Fri: 9am – 6pm
Weekends: closed