An unexpected night time visitor..

An unexpected night time visitor..

An unexpected night time visitor..   Book An Appointment The other night I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling something soft touching my cheek..I turned on the light and there on the pillow beside me was a big green grasshopper (about 5 cm long)...


“Bergtagen”..   Book An Appointment ..or ”spirited away” as Google translates…I’m fortunate every now and then to go to the west coast of Norway to work in a small hospital. For over 10 years I have returned here not only because of...
How it all started..

How it all started..

How it all started..   Book An Appointment Yesterday I posted a quote on my Fb page from Marion Woodman, who died just a couple of days ago at the age of almost 90. She was a Canadian author, poet and psycologist. She spent her life and career studying the work...
”I don’t believe in weeds”

”I don’t believe in weeds”

“I don’t believe in weeds”   Book An Appointment …sister Monica Joan says, in Netflix series “Call the midwife”, when asked to remove the weeds from the nuns garden. I just LOVE that statement! Who decides who or what is a weed? Call +46...

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