Trust the journey…

Trust the journey…

Trust the journey…   Book An Appointment Have you ever thought about what’s carrying you forward each moment, each step, each day? Well, this is a very personal question, and I will tell you what I think carries ME forward, and then I’ll invite you to...
Strong and soft…

Strong and soft…

Strong and soft…   Book An Appointment My yoga teacher (Yoga with Adriene) invited me the other day, for a moment to think about why I’m doing yoga? What makes me roll out my mat every morning? What are the effects I wish for, short and long term? The...
The best hug I ever got…

The best hug I ever got…

The best hug I ever got…   Book An Appointment 3 years ago…TODAY…the 19th of October, I had spent 19 days on the Camino. The days had passed, walking through beautiful scenery, cute villages, busy cities,sometimes long stretches of asphalt, some days...
A walk that changed my life…

A walk that changed my life…

Helena Swanstrom   Book An Appointment Three years ago, beginning of October, I had just started walking from St Jean Pied de Port in France towards Santiago on the west coast of Spain. THE Camino. About 800 km on foot were in front of me. I hadn’t booked...
I’m a ”gratidude”

I’m a ”gratidude”

I’m a “gratidude”   Book An Appointment Wanted to write about gratitude and noticed that I’d spelled it ”gratidude” which made me smile! I am rich. I am richer than I could ever dream of…and the currency I’m counting the richness in,...


Connected…   Book An Appointment I would like to share something that happened to me during one of my many walks in the Botanical Gardens in Montreal today. I like spending time there, I do it often, many times a week, walking different rounds different...

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