New Year, New Beginnings and My Intentions


What describes a new beginning better than a sunrise?

This picture is taken when the sun rises in Trysil, Norway a few days ago.

Today is the last day of the year 2018 and I’ll dedicate this blog post to honor this past year and also share a few intentions for 2019.

2018 is the year I became a student in Somatic Experiencing with the goal to become a trauma therapist in a few years, and I also started my own practice. I stepped out of my comfort zone when I created my web site and started a blog. I had several opportunities to travel and spend time with my family and friends. I’ve made many new connections and managed to stay connected to some precious old ones. I’ve felt supported by many, and in every way by my love Michel, who never stops believing in me, in us.

2019 is ahead. New beginnings and possibilities. My intentions this year is to stay focused on the path I already love walking on. I’d like to feed my awareness and presence by meditation, yoga and spending time in nature. I also like to connect and stay connected with people with whom I can be my true self. And with whom I can have meaningful conversations with. Love, joy, laughter and simplicity in my day to day life are important ingredients I’d like to make more space for. And I’d like to be courageous and challenge myself to grow whenever there’s a chance to do so.

And like the sun, I intend to keep rising every morning. With gratitude in my heart, awareness in the present moment and curiosity about what’s ahead. And then, I’ll take it from there…

Wishing You all the best for the New Year! Wherever You are in Your life I wish You love, support and abundance on Your own precious journey❤️






460 Chemin De La Rivière, North Hatley, Quebec, Canada


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