Transforming Touch®

Transforming Touch® was developed by Stephen Terrell during his over 20 years of experience in the field. He found that different known approaches (as talking therapy and different somatic approaches) to treat developmental trauma weren’t as effective as he had hoped. He then developed a third way involved seeing the client’s body as being normal and capable of healing itself with the right support; “The clients are doing the best they can do with the circumstances, this is their normal and that’s where we need to start”. He realized that there needed to be a way to reach non-verbal, or early developmental trauma, without spoken language.

This openes up space for the client to tell their story and to build a trusting relationship with the therapist through a nonverbal and verbal dyadic relationship. Much like the pregnant mom share with the baby during utero.
In Transforming Touch® a set protocol is used that speaks to the non-verbal part of the client. This set protocol strengthens the non-verbal relationship through exploring inherieted trauma, conception trauma, utero trauma, birth trauma, and postnatal trauma. Allowing for a balance between the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual self.

 Transforming Touch® creates a milieu of safety where a client can begin to feel a difference in their life through subtle, yet profound changes. And every sign of change is a sign of healing is happening.

Transforming Intentional Touch® is an equally effective way of facilitating regulation within a client’s nervous system. The power of working with intention has been expressed and shared from practitioners from around the world, and during the pandemic this way of working keeps developing thanks to technology that allows us to connect online.

For more information about Stephen Terrell and Transforming Touch® and Transforming Intentional Touch® go to Austin Attachment

You will also find me listed on Co-Regulating Touch Dictionary

“A revolutionary way of using somatic touch to communicate with non-verbal, developmental trauma that thrives in our bodies.”

Maybe you recognise yourself in one or more of these statements?

“I never feel safe anywhere”
“I never seem to find my place”
“I think I push people away”
“Since my car accident I haven’t been able to drive again”
“I feel I need to take care of everyone and I’m tired”
“When I’m getting close to someone, I get scared and leave”
“Since the attack I’m constantly on guard”
“I always fear that I will lose everything”
“I would love to enjoy life more”

How Do I Know if Therapy is Right for Me?

Maybe you’ve come to a point in your life when you’d like things to be different. Maybe you’ve tried many things that worked for a while, and then you find yourself stuck in moving forward, or out of ideas.

Part of growing is to acknowledge all parts of you and where you come from. What was the envirolment you  grew up in? What conditions were there for your parents, your ancestors? By conditionings we are told that curtain parts are better than others; happy is better than sad, a smile is better than a neutral or sad face, light is better than dark and so on. I belive all parts needs to be included and looked at like keys to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

There’s a reason for you feeling like you do. And by looking into what is working well in your life as well as where you feel limited, scared or stuck, you will start to understand where it all comes from, and with that growing awareness also find your way to move forward, to heal and to live the life you’d love to live.

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 6 pm
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