Trust the journey…


Have you ever thought about what’s carrying you forward each moment, each step, each day?

Well, this is a very personal question, and I will tell you what I think carries ME forward, and then I’ll invite you to ask for yourself.

Because I think it’s important to recognize and welcome that I am moving forward, no matter what. In times when I feel stuck, anxious, scared, not trusting I can do it, I need to remember that I’m still moving forward, even if I feel impatient and wishing I was ahead of whatever…

I like to think it’s like the picture above; I’m walking on a string which is strongly held by my own strong force, tied to something solid behind me. I see it as my roots, my ancestral line, the life force itself, universe.
I’m focusing on balancing what’s here and now to be able to tighten the sting or loosen it a bit if needed. But to be able to make a decision about the next move I also need to keep my eyes a bit further ahed and also gaze every now and then into the horizon.

So what are the things I might see? I see people I love and that I love to be with. I see the beauty in the seasons come and go. I see the sun rise and set, over and over again. I see new life being born and I see lives departing. I see the amazing magic that surrounds me noticing all of this.

Filled with trust and gratitude for what is unfolding, knowing that I can tighten the string I’m walking on if I need to slow down…but also let it go loose and jump or slide ahead in curiosity and joy!

Life gives us choices along the way and I’m responsible for choosing my path. It might look a bit scary for others who’s watching, but what can I say…? We all need to focus on our own string, or we might stumble and fall while paying to much attention to what others are doing on theirs…

I’d rather meet everyone up there, all of us balancing our own life, sometimes reaching out for support from each other, but always trusting that everyone is capable…capable of dancing our own line of life ☯️
This card was sent to me from my dear sister Gunilla, thank you 💜


+46 735466056


Central Linköping, Sweden


Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm

Weekends: closed

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