Clearing the path..


Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to this world
so worthy of rescue.
– Martha Postlewaite

“Create a clearing in the dense forest of your life … and wait there patiently…”

How does one create such a place?

For me it started about 10 years ago when I felt a need to start to unclutter around me. I didn’t know why I felt this need, or that it was a kind of cleaning/clearing that I did. I just felt that everything was busy around me and I wanted to choose who and what I surrounded myself with.

Back then I couldn’t explain how I knew it, but with my knowledge today about the nervous system and how “everything” shows up in the body, I know I was constantly tensed in my back body and I often felt contracted in my chest. I had difficulties to speak out and felt my voice being weak and not carrying…

Eventually I found a new place to live and I got rid of a lot of old stuff. I gave myself permission and space to explore who I am by starting to look deeper inside. I found new connections and I said goodbye to some.

I also discovered silence, patience and trust. In silence I’ve learnt to listen to my inner voice that tells me to go slow and gentle. When I go slow and gentle I need to practice presence and patience. By listening to my inner voice, and also experience the outcome of listening to that voice, I’m learning to trust, trust in life.

“Until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it”

My curiosity about myself has led me to explore and gain knowledge in the field of trauma therapy and I know I’ve found my path. I know it because I feel it in my body like an expanding warmth in my chest and belly and a tingely sensation in my throat when I speak about it. I feel my feet heavy and grounded while writing about this.

“Only then will you know how to give yourself to this world so worthy of rescue”


+46 735466056


Central Linköping, Sweden


Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm

Weekends: closed

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