April 2024 Newsletter
Dear Reader,
As we are approaching spring, leaving the season of winter behind, I thought I’ll give you an update.
I just got back from a work assignment in Norway, as always leaving me filled with gratitude and a deep sense of meaningfulness. I’m noticing how well it fits me to “put my eggs in different baskets”, meaning spreading myself in different directions to get most out of who I am and to share and grow my competence in different areas. For now, it means that I have my private practice, seeing clients both online and in person, I have some assignments as a research nurse and every now and then I go to Norway to work as a nurse in a small hospital in Nordfjordeid (as I’ve done for 17 years every now and then!)
For a while I thought I “ought” do make a decision about what area to focus on (I think it’s part of my conditioning, experience and expectations so far in my life) and then I’m noticing how happy I am when I can blend it all and to have the flexibility over time to sometimes focus more on one thing and less on another.
As I’m getting more and more known in Linköping my business is growing and I have capacity to receive new clients both for Somatic Therapy and for Family Constellations. I also intend to organize an event with Family Constellations, only waiting for the right timing, so I’ll keep you posted!
I was recently asked to join the board for the Swedish Association for Somatic Experiencing® as a commissioner, and I’m looking forward to engaging in the different topics that can be of use for both or members and our clients. One of the things I’m following closely is different studies using Somatic Experiencing®, and I promise to share it here when I’ll get hold of an article.
In October I’ll be attending part 2 of the Star Saphire Energy Training which is a way to work with our inner dualities/our feminine and masculine sides. As I’m still in training, let me know if you’d like a taste of what I’ve learnt so far.
Reading books is one of the things I love doing and right now these books have drawn my attention;
- Efu Nyaki; Healing Trauma through Family Constellations & Somatic Experiencing
- Raja Selvam; The Practice of Embodying Emotions
- Thomas Hübl; Attuned
- Deepak Chopra; Quantum Body
What they have in common are different ways of getting in touch with our core self by embodying our emotions. Our emotions are a gateway to a deep understanding of our wounds and also the way forward. It’s all so unique for every person, and by getting to know your own nervous system you’ll start to understand the brilliant ways our body guides us towards safety – using all means.
By understanding ourselves we then have more capacity to understand others, becoming less judgmental and more supportive. And the way to be with yourselves and others is so beautifully described in Thomas Hübl’s book “Attuned”.
If you are interested also in how to grow your global awareness, this book covers it all!
I’ve also started to cultivate a new hobby; to crochet, and I love it! Especially in combination with listening to a podcast or an audio book while I’m doing the crochet, it puts me at peace.
It’ll soon be a year since I left Canada, and in my latest blog I share some thoughts and insights; “Do I miss anything from Canada?”
With this I wish you a beautiful and transformative time, as winter shifts to spring and eventually into summer, reminding us that change is part of life ☀️
With gratitude,
+46 735466056
Lilla Kliniken, St Larsgatan 9, 582 24 Linköping Sweden
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Weekends: closed