March 2021 Newsletter

Where I am, the producers of Maple Syrup are gearing up, ready to get started harvesting this Canadian GOLD, because the best climate conditions for this is about to start!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel that I don’t have the time or patience to sit and read a book! Over the past year I’ve discovered an amazing way of almost passively gain new knowledge and insights through listening to Podcasts. I’ve got used to a habit of listening to a conversation or a talk, sometimes when I go out for a walk. A love these moments and find it’s such a valuable time spent.

A few years back I had a conversation about money with my daughter, and I was impressed and inspired how much she knew about how to grow her own economy, and she told me she learnt it from a podcast! Since then, I check in with her and her brother every now and then about what they are listening to. I have learnt a lot and it has also given us many interesting conversations in turn.

I choose not to recommend you any of my favorite podcast. No, my point here is just to invite you to explore this forum if it feels right for you. Just search for things that interests you, and you’ll be surprised how many interesting talks and conversations there are. And they are all for free. There are many different platforms for Podcasts and if you haven’t already, you can download it on your phone for easy access on your walk (I use an app called Podcasts and sometimes podcasts on Spotify).

In a previous Newsletter I recommended a book by one of my teachers, Mark Wolynn; “It didn’t start with you”, and recently I came across this new interview with him on YouTube. He talks, among many things, about inherited family trauma, how an early broken bond with our mother affects not only our relationship to her, but also how it affects all our relationships. He also speaks about how we inherit trauma from previous generations and how we can work not to pass them further on…

Here is a link to this 58 minutes talk with Mark Wolynn on Inherited Family Trauma;

I highly recommend listening to him if you are interested in understanding some of your own family entanglements or issues. And if you after doing so, you find yourself feeling curious about exploring this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Many things fell into place for me when I started to look into my family system, using this method many years ago. And today it is also integrated in my practice as a therapist and facilitator of Family Constellations.

And for you who’d like to get another glimpse of my journey, here’s a link to my latest Blog post;  How I learnt to be the Woman I am Today, it was posted in honor of International Womens Day March 8th.

Wishing you all the best for now – and by the time next Newsletter arrives – let’s hope – so has spring ☀️

With gratitude,


+46 735466056


Central Linköping, Sweden


Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm

Weekends: closed

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